How 6G Wireless Communication is better than 5G Network.

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How 6G Wireless Communication is better than 5G Network.

Vision and Challenges for 6G Technology.

Photo courtesy Pixabay.

Commercial 5G networks are live in 61 countries around the world. In the immediate future, it would be deployed by more countries. After a while, people will start looking for improvement in technology and expect much better service.

6G (sixth-generation wireless) the successor to 5G cellular technology; will use higher frequencies than 5G networks, and would be able to provide higher capacity and lower latency (latency is the time it takes for data to be transferred between its source and destination, measured in milliseconds.)

The 6G technology is expected to bring improvements in the areas of imaging, presence technology, and locational awareness. The computational infrastructure of 6G technology will be able to autonomously determine the best area for computing to occur including decisions about data storage, processing, and sharing.

6G is expected to support data rates of 1 terabyte per second which would extend the performance of 5G applications and increase the capabilities of new applications in wireless connectivity, sensing, and imaging. The higher frequencies will provide better throughput and higher data rates.

A combination of sub-mm wave and the use of frequency selectivity will lead to advances in wireless sensing technology. The addition of mobile edge computing into 6G networks will be more advantageous for the 6G technology as compared to 5G networks including improved access to artificial intelligence.

6G technology will have many big implications for government and industry solutions in public safety such as threat detection, health monitoring, facial recognition, decision making in areas such as law enforcement and social credit systems, air quality measurements, and gas and toxicity sensing.

The speed of 1 terabyte per second is a thousand times faster than 1 Gbps, the fastest speed available on most home networks today, and 100 times faster than 10 Gbps the hypothetical top speed of 5G. Today the millimeter wave is the solution to network congestion and bandwidth limitations but Terahertz waves which would be used for 6G come at a much higher frequency than millimeter waves.

The millimeter waves work over short distances requiring line of sight between transmitter and user, the terabyte waves have an even weaker range. But when harnessed with new networking approaches it can open more capacity for doing work.

New wireless standards emerge every decade and 6G is expected to come into play around 2030. The reason people are talking about 6G is that consumers are using internet data everywhere, incorporating more devices and 6G would certainly make the experience better. Wireless companies are trying to compete with broadband providers expecting to meet the rising demand with robust cellular networks.

Comparison of the previous generation of mobile networks with 6G

The introduction of each generation of wireless communication network has brought improvement in technology. Let’s go back and learn of the achievement of each generation of the network-

First-generation- 1G

1980s: 1G delivered analog voice.

Second Generation — 2 G

1990s: 2G introduced digital voice. It opened the doors for pictures, media messages, texts, and digitally encrypted phone conversations to be sent across networks. Newer technologies have phased out 2G but many countries still use 2G.

Third Generation-3G

Early 2000s: 3G brought mobile data

3G brought smartphone technology that allowed us to browse the web, share pictures, download videos, and many other functions. Service providers tried to provide this at the lowest possible cost to their customers.

Fourth-Generation — 4G LTE

2010s: 4G LTE ushered in the era of mobile broadband. The transition from 3G to 4 G was possible due to the technological breakthroughs in many industries. 4G turned smartphones into computers that could be carried in our pockets. Much of the work that was carried on a desktop or laptop could now be performed over a smartphone. The introduction of HD streaming and accelerated web browsing was a great achievement.

Fifth Generation- 5G

2019: 5G is a network designed to connect everyone and everything including machines, objects, and devices. It delivers higher multi-Gbps peak speeds, low latency, more reliability, increased network capacity, improved user experience, and connecting the new industries.

There are many 6G technology research projects looking into what might be needed in the future. The format of 6G will depend on how 5G develops further and what are the shortcomings so that improvement can be made.

Some of the 6G development projects are:

· China wants to lead the race in 6G technology and is investing a large amount of effort and money. MIIT China is investing and monitoring the research and development process.

· The USA is planning to open up a 6G frequency spectrum at frequencies between 95 GHz and 3 terahertz for research and development.

· The University Of Oulu, Finland has started a research initiative called the 6Genesis. The project is expected to run for eight years and will develop ideas suitable for 6G technology.

· South Korea Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute is researching Terahertz band technology for 6G. They plan to make 6G 100 times faster than 4G and five times faster than 5G network.

Some of the technologies for 6G

The 6G communication will develop further the technology that is established for 5G. The existing technologies that could be developed further are:

· Massive MIMO

This is being used in applications like LTE and Wi-Fi. The number of antennas used is limited and when a microwave is used it opens up the possibility of using many antennas on single equipment because of the antenna sizes and spacings in terms of wavelength.

· Dense networks

The technique is being developed to ensure that small cells in the macro-network can operate satisfactorily. Reducing the size of the cells provides effective use of the available spectrum.

The new technologies that could be introduced and are being talked about are:

· Future PHY/MAC

The new physical layer and MAC present interesting possibilities in many areas.

· Waveforms

There are new waveforms that could be used for wireless communications. OFDM has been used in 4G and 5G mobile communications, but it does have some limitations. The other waveforms that could be used are Generalized frequency division multiplexing, filter bank multi-carrier, and universal filtered multicarrier. Each one has its advantages and limitations and an adaptive scheme may be used.

Duplex methods

Many duplex methods could be considered for the 6G communications. The systems used at present either use frequency division multiplex or time division multiplex.

New possibilities are opening where the time or frequencies allocated are variable according to the load in either direction. A new scheme called division-free duplex or single channel full duplex would enable simultaneous transmission and reception on the same channel.

Though the 6G communications are a decade away from becoming a reality the competition is already heating up. The stakes have become high and the first to develop and patent 6G will be a big winner in what people call the next phase of the industrial revolution. The technological rivalry between the U.S. and China is intensifying.

China already has the largest 5G footprint and years of acrimony under the Trump administration could not stop it from becoming the leader. Huawei Technologies Company is much ahead of its global rivals in terms of attractive pricing.

6G could present the USA with an opportunity to regain the lost ground in wireless technology.

The competition for 6G would be fiercer than for 5G and both Washington and Beijing are getting ready for the challenge. China is already proceeding at a fast pace and has launched a satellite in November 2020 to test airwaves for 6G transmission.

The US has already drawn the battle lines and an alliance for Telecommunications Industry solutions known as ATIS, launched in October to advance the North American leadership in 6G. The alliance members are Apple, AT&T, Qualcomm, Google, and Samsung electronics.

The world has been split into two opposing camps due to the 5G rivalry. The US side consisting of Japan, Australia, Sweden, and the U.K. has shut Huawei out of their 5G networks. But Huawei is welcome in Russia, the Philippines, Thailand, and some countries in Africa and the Middle East.

The European Union has also unveiled a 6G wireless project in December 2020 led by Nokia which has companies like Ericsson AB and Telefonica SA.

The democracies world over are getting worried about the 5G technology being used by authoritarian regimes and fear that 6G could enable technologies such as mass drone surveillance. China is already using AI, facial recognition, and surveillance cameras to track and control citizens.

The 6G technology will use the new frequency range and infrastructure which some scientists worry may affect public health. The launch of 5G too had raised significant concern about human health due to radiation. Though the evidence of these assumptions has still to be tested until the new generation becomes increasingly common, it’s too early to say anything on its impact on the environment.

Experts say that 6G technology is still developing and will need to overcome hurdles in research, hardware design, and impact on the environment before it becomes viable for use. It is still too early to say how the future envisaged for 6G will materialize. But it will most likely involve an advanced level of automation and connectivity in cars, mobile devices, drones, and industries. The use of artificial intelligence and advanced edge computing will make the networks more sophisticated harnessing fast internet speed and instantaneous latency.


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