5 great books about AI

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Spoiler alert: they will transform your understanding of AI

At twintig.ai, continuous learning is one of our values and a good way we practice this is by reading remarkable books. Here are five of them on artificial intelligence that we would recommend for the beginning of this year.

The Road to Conscious Machines: The Story of AI by Michael Wooldridge

This book is a journey that starts with the history of successes and failures of Artificial Intelligence (AI), passes through recent breakthroughs, and finishes with a very interesting perspective on the future of AI.

It’s an accessible, entertaining and informative book. A definite plus is a very useful glossary.

Life 3.0: Being Human in the age of AI by Max Tegmark

The title of the first chapter, “Welcome to the most important conversation of our time”, succinctly describes this book. It presents interesting questions, scenarios and theories about the future of technology and it is written in a clear and engaging style.
There are many media reviews of this book and we will leave you with the one from Elon Musk: “A compelling guide to the challenges and choices in our quest for a greater future of life, intelligence and consciousness — on Earth and beyond.”

Everyday Chaos: Technology, complexity, and how we’re thriving in a new world of possibility by David Weinberger

In a world of increasing complexity, Everyday Chaos gives us insight into machine learning, innovation and progress. The author’s core vision for business, and other organisations in general, is simple: Make. More. Future.

David Weinberger has brilliant writing skills; he combines deep concepts and discussions with fun and practical examples which make this book a page turner.

The Master Algorithm by Pedro Domingos

Written by one of the leading experts in the field, this book is an essential guide to machine learning. It is not easy to make a computer science book entertaining, however, this one most certainly is! It presents the concepts in an accessible way and intersperses them with charming references and tons of humour. Since we suffer not only from book-addiction but also movie-addiction, we can appreciate all the movie references.

Prediction Machines by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans and Avi Goldfarb

Written by three economists, it is a good read on the business perspective of Machine Learning adoption. It provides us with a framework for designing business strategies, however, in the authors’ words, “Prediction Machines is not a recipe for success in the AI economy. Instead, we emphasize trade-offs. More data means less privacy. More speed means less accuracy. More autonomy means less control. We don’t prescribe the best strategy for your business. That’s your job.”


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