M003: Kiyomizu-Dera Nostalgia

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M003: Kiyomizu-Dera Nostalgia

Exploring spatial imagination of AI

Title: Kiyomizu-Dera Nostalgia
Nr: 003
AI models in use: 3D Ken Burns / JukeBox Music (Premium)
Image backstory: I took this photo in Kyoto
Status: Unsold
Owner: N.N.
Platform: Opensea.io

Exploring AI dreams with 3D Ken Burns. 3D spatial animation from a single photo (I took this photo in Kyoto, Kiyomizu-Dera Temple). Being there I had an intense nostalgic feeling. If there would be something like reincarnation, I was probably a resident of Kyoto in my last life.

PREMIUM CONTENT: AI-created soundtrack (using JukeBox by OpenAI with Jazz as imagination target)


Trending AI/ML Article Identified & Digested via Granola by Ramsey Elbasheer; a Machine-Driven RSS Bot

via WordPress https://ramseyelbasheer.wordpress.com/2021/02/28/m003-kiyomizu-dera-nostalgia/

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