How to Write a Neurips Paper [0]

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How to Write a Neurips Paper [0]

I have been planning to write this series for a while now, and the beginning of 2021 is an arbitrarily auspicious time to start. This series serves two purposes: First, as an account/guide on the process of developing original research for publication, written by someone who has done it a few times. Second, to share some funny stories of my time as a PhD student / postdoc at MIT, and keep it very personal. I remember Philip Guo’s the PhD grind being very informative when I started grad school, and I wanted to make something similar for other PhD students / researchers. However, I will focus specifically on the process of research, a universal, yet at first confusing activity that everyone must go through. Also, I want to tell my story in a more light-hearted tone, as my PhD journey had been, for the most part, fun.


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