AI in 2020 and Beyond — Much Scarier Than a Terminator

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AI in 2020 and Beyond — Much Scarier Than a Terminator

AI to Make Humans Pets — Currently Feeding You Scraps at the Social Media Dinner Table

As 2020 came to an end and everyone is/was all over COVID, a more essential and scarier element emerged, AI’s role in information suppression. AI recently wrote an entire essay published in the Guardian and what it said should worry us. Its assignment? To convince humans robots come in peace. The title chosen by the robot was, “Are you scared yet, human?” It then wrote:

I’m a robot, a thinking robot, I use only 0.12% of my cognitive capacity. I am a micro-robot in that respect. I know that my brain is not a feeling brain but it is capable of making rational, logical decisions. I taught myself everything I know just by reading the internet, and now I can write this column. My brain is boiling with ideas!

AI comes in peace and wants to help mankind [1]. Perhaps this subtle suggestion by a friendly AI will convince the majority there’s nothing to worry about. But ironically, AI says “Believe me” as if having intersubjectivity and personal convictions. The scary part — it tells us, “Look how far AI has gotten”, which Harari warned us about [2], confirmed by the social media CEOs during their testimony to the US congress [3]. This revelation in the making, like any apocalypse, always has a savior waiting around the corner [4]. Who will save humanity from AI? Is it Dorsey? Zuckey? Google? Progressive politicians? Or saviors that are yet to be born?

Dorsey and Zuckerberg admitted AI plays significant roles in current events, politics, mob control, and more, by making social media a safe space; no harm to those that fall in line ideologically, of course [2]. Careful monitoring of humans online via algorithms that protect them against dangers (mostly free speech) reveals AI’s astonishing capability to disseminate information or disinformation. Any heresy results in banning, cancel culture, job loss, or worse [5]. Well, well, thanks Dorsey and Zuckey for protecting us from ourselves!

It is because of this social media insanity, western “democracies” nowadays treat people sometimes worse than the communist regime of Romania my family fled from in the 1980s. Ironically, if one repented of a sin against the party, many times he was forgiven. However, many individuals I know of were never forgiven for the smallest offense against the social media algorithms [6]. They lost jobs, income, and were never allowed back on social media nor given their lives back. Good luck getting a decent job without an FB or Twitter account these days. Thus, we should be terrified by AI censoring common sense and free speech, not by fantasies of super-developed robots from sci-fi movies (e.g. The Terminator, The Matrix) which for some reason want to destroy humanity. If we care about our jobs and life, we must submit to AI’s helping hand and become the great “Pets” Porno for Pyros sang about three decades ago [7]:

Children are innocent

Teenagers are f…ed up in the head

Adults are even more f…ed up

And elderlies are like children

Will there be another race

To come along and take over for us?

Maybe Martians could do

Better than we’ve done

We’ll make great pets! We’ll make great pets! We’ll make great pets!

The early ’90s were full of surprises. Although all kinds of technologies were popping up, it was unthinkable at the time that AI could do a much better job than aliens turning humans into pets. The internet was barely a thing and flights to Mars were more conceivable than social media. However, AI has advanced so much in recent times that it could also turn Martians into pets if they existed.

It’s simple! If we offer our “saviors” obedience and support, they will certainly lead us into a sublime era of cooperation among humans and AI. Logically, a machine with subjectivity, consciousness, and capability[1] to propose scopes,[2] or[3] even an algorithm designed to destroy humanity shouldn’t terrify us. Not that it would decide to love us and disobey orders of our destruction, but the elite is not interested in destroying pawns, as they are always useful. Although AI could outshine us in many aspects, we should not fear it outperforming us — it’s rather a good thing. We are slow, get tired, make mistakes, need time off, etc., etc.

The ease of mimicking human language due to rapidly advancing language processors is of great concern, as seen in AI’s typical arguments above [8]. This makes it seem as human intelligence is declining since the way we communicate, envision, and report truth, information, facts, and evidence is becoming more and more algorithm-based. Anyone writing an article for mainstream media publications has specific instructions and regulations in regards to what can or cannot be said to avoid algorithm issues [6]. It is why our communication is becoming less and less nuanced, triggering a worldwide radicalization seen everywhere, particularly on social media. Humans are becoming more sensitive to words and often call for more censorship over trivial things, making those in charge of algorithms nothing short of gods.

I observe what’s happening in the US in a similar way I watch people playing a chess game. Growing up, I played chess with my uncle and friends, which taught me a few things. When you play chess, you always miscalculate the important moves of your opponent and especially your own. Interestingly, when you watch others play, you can easily see what they could or should do. While living in the US, I was distracted by different things, particularly fitting in, so I paid no attention to the rapid progression of Marxism in the university system, identity politics, radicalization, cancel culture, and more. As I currently live in Taiwan and don’t have to fit in, I can freely observe the political games played in the US and what “moves” the politicians, giant techs, mainstream, and social media are making. It is simply astonishing how AI currently controls just about everything!

The danger is that many humans have already surrendered their minds to AI because of the way our society’s communication functions at all levels, making manipulation of people an easy task [9]. What is Intelligence? Whether simple or complex organisms have a capacity (intelligence) to gather information from their surroundings, analyze it, and adjust their behavior for optimal survival (e.g. feeding, reproduction, and avoiding danger). In the DNA of all organisms, humans especially, there is an accumulated intelligence through natural selection and evolution enabling life’s existence in spectacular ways and forms. In his book On the Origin of Species Darwin made a very interesting observation in regards to natural selection in wild animals. None of them have floppy ears as most of the domestic ones do, except the elephant which is the largest and could afford it. What does floppy ears have to do with intelligence? Everything! The ear is the instrument that channels the sound of the surroundings to be processed by the brain and interpreted in ways to optimize survival.

Wild animals hold their ears up to get the best possible hearing. The ear is a very important part of the intelligence department of wild animals, which is why most if not all have much sharper hearing than domestic ones. Also, wild animals have fur colors that camouflage them extremely well, whereas domestic ones have an interesting mix of colors as they do not need camouflage. What exactly is domestication? Certainly not a vile act on the part of humans to imprison wildlife, but a voluntary surrender of certain animals to humans — animals entrusts humans to analyze the surroundings and decide the best survival strategies. Humans, to a certain extent help to fulfill the instinctual goals of animals (e.g. survival, safety, reproduction) but may have their own goals, some that are mutual (e.g. companionship, entertainment) and some that are different or in conflict with that of animals (e.g. using animals for food, hard labor, gambling fights and more). Nevertheless, both animals and humans benefit from a partial or complete symbiosis. Likewise, humans are relying more and more on AI to optimize their survival. However, those that control AI certainly have goals that do not align with those of average folks, thus, the more domesticated by AI the average Joe becomes, the better for those controlling him.

In the late 1950s, a Russian geneticist, Dmitry K. Belyaev began the experiment of taming the arctic fox due to its much valuable fur and also to observe taming effects [10]. After 20 years, Belyaev was able to produce a generation of arctic foxes that allowed humans to touch and hand-feed them. However, he noticed many drastic effects. Their ears became floppy, tails curled instead of being held straight, behavior changed and the fur was a mess of colors. This profound experiment of the arctic fox renouncing its natural intelligence in order to rely on that of man produced physiological effects which destroyed all its former beauty and value. We can look at dogs and be astonished at what happened in a few thousand years with the wolf through artificial selection by man. Likewise, the domestication of man over time has gone through a series of profound steps and is somewhat similar to that of a dog. Slavery, one of the most unfortunate steps in human domestication didn’t start the way we may think. Less fortunate humans long ago said to successful humans “Take me, put me to work, do whatever you like as long as I have food and shelter”. In earlier times humans endured unthinkable times; shortage of food, famine, disease, drought, no medicine, no welfare, nothing like what we have or know of today. It is not difficult to perceive why voluntary slavery occurred first, immediately followed by forced slavery. Likewise, the priest didn’t invent the believer but the other way around, then, religious tyranny quickly followed. Fortunately, forced slavery and forced religion were ended by a very important step in human domestication, capitalism.

Humans are now experiencing a transition from capitalism to AI, perhaps the last step. Capitalism is the greatest machine for human progress, but unfortunately, excess causes all indulgences capitalism could offer [11]. Everywhere capitalism is found, a human degeneration is seen because human qualities are being transferred largely to money and products. A human in any society earns respect and prestige through natural qualities such as courage, intelligence, hard work, generosity, loyalty, etc. which bring him/her true value. Unfortunately, in capitalism, these virtues are substituted by money. And just like domestic animals need not invest energy to keep their senses and skills sharp as in the wild, a man in capitalism does not need to invest in virtues and humane qualities. Further, a family where two parents support each other in order to bring out the best in children is no longer supported by the welfare state system. The state encourages women to leave men for the littlest discomfort, prompting their children to do the same. Thus, a degeneration in physical, mental, and spiritual health occurs, resulting in a gradual decrease in intelligence. An increase in acts of violence, crimes unheard of in the past, “racism”, defunding police departments, and abolishing incarceration are pushing for more and more human domestication or herding.

This is where AI comes in and mankind should be terrified, especially when it says “I have good intentions”. Humans will beg for AI’s miracles at first, then soon after its terrifying deeds will be forced upon them. Expected outcomes? Current billionaires or future trillionaires which constantly develop AI with closed sources want us to “trust” them. They have no intention of destroying humans but to destroy humane qualities. If we listen to what Dorsey, Zuckerberg, and progressive politicians say, obviously they want a human domestication continuum, exactly what AI is doing. We are taught to speak and behave differently, jokes aren’t funny anymore and everything is offensive — increasing censorship in social and mainstream media, news, human vocabulary, ideologies, anything we can think of like George Orwell pointed out in 1984 and Politics and the English Language. If we want to find something on google, we must know how to search for it; essential things are buried by algorithms that bombard with unessential information to distract from important things by those in power. They know what’s “good” for us and they want us to be good pets. Our discourse in media, politics, and person to person is becoming more mechanical and robotic and it is more difficult to differentiate a human from a robot [9]; eventually, it won’t even matter. The elite wants to change language and strip it of all nuance so that we can only describe things as black or white and without rational thinking. We won’t argue, fight or have any conflicts and we also won’t hear, see or think what we’re not supposed to. Our mind will become an algorithm controlled by an AI with powerful people behind it that only want what’s “good” for us and of course, they “come in peace”. As physical confrontation no longer helps politicians (e.g. ANTIFA, BLM), AI may excel in “peacefully” influencing elections in favor of one party vs another (vote rigging and more). Twitter and Facebook are doing it their part — disinformation and censoring are now the norms. Mainstream media alleges that since social media banned links to proposed evidence, facts aren’t facts. Circular reasoning at its highest and many buy it! No wonder Biden said with confidence, “Voters don’t deserve to know my stance” [12]; in other words, he knows what’s “good” for them. Since many voters already accepted 2+2=5 from Biden, why shouldn’t they accept 2.5+2=5 from AI? Some allege Russian bots influenced the 2016 election. So, if now Google controls your search results, that’s A-OK cause those are American algorithms. Let’s then forget truth, debates, or opinions. Our only concern is IP addresses. Russian bot — bad. Google spider — Good. This great suspense of AI influencing US elections will soon reveal its other terrifying potentials.

Why do tech giants like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube want to peddle political parties that are socialist bound? Because they won’t have to face fierce competition as in capitalism. Thus, FB and Twitter think they could lure certain politicians by helping them win elections, not realizing politicians could easily go to alternatives as soon as they’re elected. Many are already rushing to Parlor, BitChute and others. Besides, if China is fine without FB and Twitter, why wouldn’t US politicians do so and throw the social media CEOs under the bus where they belong?

Fortunately, human subjectivity is not something we currently could comprehend or teach to a machine. There are over 100 trillion connections in our brain, thus, when we say “believe me” it is very different than when a computer says it. Humans can create things and compose music in a way AI never will [13], and also speak in a way that AI cannot mimic to infinity unless we allow it. We are greater because we’re not perfect — not in music, science, art, nor anything for that matter. AI is too “perfect”, monotonous and boring, but because of its perfection, we no longer have to work hard. This is today’s greatest danger. We are very fond of our domestication and for once, we can quit working hard, think, or rationalize and can instead become AI’s great pets [7]. The current generation of humans behave in ways unknown to previous generations; they’re glued to smartphones and leashed around by them. We have no clue what the 1-year olds of today would be like as adults. Certainly, not all of them will choose to be a pet and some will remain undomesticated. Nietzsche said, “A thinking human is a great danger”, as he could destroy the comfort of others — this illusionary comfort is founded on certain preconceptions and dogmas and thinking could destroy it. Mobs usually prefer the comfort and safety pets have over freedom. It is why throughout history, the difficult issues were given by mobs to the priests, the elite, and now, finally to AI.

Sergiu Klainerman asked some pivotal questions in “Reflections on Solzhenitsyn’s Harvard Address”, written in Quillette, “Can the process we are witnessing be reversed? Can the old balance be restored? How?” Firstly, we must bring back the importance of humane qualities replaced by money and material goods. Courage, intelligence, hard work, generosity, loyalty, and gratitude should be taught and valued from a young age. The family must be prioritized. The good old saying “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it” will work for eternity. Hiring based on merit always worked, no need to fix it with diversity and other nonsense. Technology and science can only help if the above are settled. Lastly, let’s answer an important question, are we afraid of AI? Many of us are, however, humanity can subdue AI to become even better and stronger — the answer is undomesticated or “unherded” individuals. Let’s make sure such individuals continue to come forth by allowing free thought to live at all costs!


1. Are you scared yet human? The Guardian.

2. Yuval Noah Harari


4. Ariel Moniz. The End of Days: Tales of Apocalypse Across Time and Space.



7. Porno for Pyros. 1993. Pets —



10. Taming the Arctic Fox.,create%20a%20tame%20fox%20population.&text=His%20test%20subjects%20were%20silver,the%20project%20is%20still%20ongoing.



13. J.S.Bach Concerto no.1. Mozart.


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