How to improve your linear regression with basis functions and regularization

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How to improve your linear regression with basis functions and regularization

Introduction to basis functions and regularization with theory and Python implementation

Illustration of increasing regularization on a model that overfits. Image by author.


This post is a part of a series of posts that I will be making. You can read a more detailed version of this post on my personal blog by clicking here. Underneath you can see an overview of the series.

1. Introduction to machine learning

2. Regression

Basis functions

In the previous post we discussed the linear regression model

We say that a model is linear if it’s linear in the parameters not in the input variables. However, (1) is linear in both the parameters and the input variables, which limits it from adapting to nonlinear relationships. We can augment the model by replacing the input variables with nonlinear basis functions of the input variables


By using nonlinear basis functions it is possible for h to adapt to nonlinear relationships of x, which we will see shortly — we call these models linear basis function models.

We already looked at one example of basis functions in the first post of the series, where we augmented the simple linear regression model with basis functions of powers of x, i.e.,

Another common basis function is the Gaussian

Following the same derivation as in the previous post, we find the maximum likelihood solutions for w and α to be


The image below shows a linear basis function model with M-1 Gaussian basis functions. We can see that increasing the number of basis functions makes a better model, until we start overfitting.

Illustration of the effect of using M−1 Gaussian basis functions (plus the intercept). Image by author.


Using the same dataset as in the previous posts, we get the implementation below.


We briefly ran into the concept of regularization in the post on Bayesian inference, which we described as a technique of preventing overfitting. If we look back at the objective function we defined in the previous post (augmented with basis functions) we can introduce a regularization term

where q>0 denotes the type of regularization, and λ controls the extent of regularization.

The most common values of q are 1 and 2, which are called L1 regularization and L2​ regularization respectively. We call it lasso regression when we use L1​ regularization, and ridge regression when we use L2​ regularization.

The objective function of ridge regression

is especially convenient as it is a quadratic function of w and therefore has a unique global minimum. The solution to which is

where α stays the same as without regularization, since the regularization term has no influence on it.

When we introduce regularization, the process of model selection goes from finding the appropriate number of basis functions to finding the appropriate value for the regularization parameter λ.

The image below shows a linear basis function model with varying values for λ, while keeping the number of basis functions constant M=8. We can see that even though we overfit to begin with, we can adjust the regularization parameter λ to prevent it — in fact, we start underfitting when the regularization is too much. Another interesting thing to see is that our uncertainty increases along with the regularization.

Illustration of increasing regularization for a model that is overfitting. Image by author.



  • What makes a model linear is that it’s linear in the parameters not the inputs.
  • We can augment linear regression with basis functions yielding linear basis function models.
  • Polynomial regression is a linear basis function model.
  • Regularization is a technique of preventing overfitting.
  • There are different kinds of regularization in linear regression such as L1​ and L2 regularization.


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